Tilt 1.1
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next >
Text File
165 lines
-- background: 4104 from stack: in.1
-- bmap block id: 4476
-- flags: 0000
-- background id: 0
-- name:
----- HyperTalk script -----
-- part 2 (field)
-- low flags: 01
-- high flags: 0002
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-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 0
-- font id: 5
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-- line height: 18
-- part name:
-- part 3 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: 0000
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-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 1
-- font id: 0
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name: FightOncd10
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseUp
global youFinalVictory
global oppFinalVictory
global endIt
set the lockScreen to true
put " " into line 1 of field 1
put " " into line 2 of field 1
put " " into line 3 of field 1
put " " into line 4 of field 1
put " " into line 5 of field 1
put " " into line 6 of field 1
put " " into line 7 of field 1
put " " into line 8 of field 1
put " " into line 9 of field 1
put " " into line 10 of field 1
If youFinalVictory = 3 or oppFinalVictory = 3 then decisionTime
if youFinalVictory <> 3 and oppFinalVictory <> 3 then go to card 2
if endIt = 1 then go home
global oppGoneFlag
global youGoneFlag
global youGoThud
global oppGoesThud
global oppLanceWin
global youLanceWin
global horseTie
global LanceTie
global check
global oppCheck
global oppBrokeScore
global youBrokeScore
put 0 into check
put 0 into oppCheck
put 0 into oppGoneFlag
put 0 into youGoneFlag
put 0 into youGoThud
put 0 into oppGoesThud
put 0 into oppLanceWin
put 0 into youLanceWin
put 0 into horseTie
put 0 into LanceTie
put 0 into youBrokeScore
put 0 into oppBrokeScore
end mouseUp
On decisionTime
set the lockScreen to false
global yourFinalVictory
global oppFinalVictory
global yourThudScore
global oppThudScore
global yourCrestScore
global oppCrestScore
global yourLances
global oppLances
If oppFinalVictory > yourFinalVictory then
put " Your Opponent has won" into line 1 of field 1
put " the most Jousts" into line 2 of field 1
end if
If yourFinalVictory > oppFinalVictory then
put " You have won" into line 1 of field 1
put " the most Jousts" into line 2 of field 1
end if
if yourFinalVictory = oppFinalVictory then
put " You have both won" into line 1 of field 1
put " equal Jousts" into line 2 of field 1
end if
If yourThudScore > oppThudScore then
put "You have the most unhorsings." into line 3 of field 1
put " YOU WIN!!" into line 4 of field 1
wait for 4 seconds
go next
end if
if oppThudScore > yourThudscore then
put " Your Opponent has the" into line 3 of field 1
put " most unhorsings. " into line 4 of field 1
put " You lose the Tournament." into line 5 of field 1
show button 3
show button 1
show button 2
end if
If oppThudScore = yourThudScore and yourCrestScore > oppCrestScore then
put " You Win On Crests!" into line 4 of field 1
wait for 4 seconds
go next
end if
if oppThudScore = yourThudScore and oppCrestScore > yourCrestScore then
put " Your Rival Wins on Crests!" into line 4 of field 1
show button 3
show button 1
show button 2
end if
if oppThudScore = yourThudScore and oppCrestScore = yourCrestScore and yourLances > oppLances then
put " You win on lances broken!" into line 4 of field 1
wait for 4 seconds
go next
end if
if oppThudScore = yourThudScore and oppCrestScore = yourCrestScore and yourLances < oppLances then
put " Your rival wins on lances!" into line 4 of field 1
show button 3
show button 1
show button 2
end if
If oppThudScore = yourThudScore and oppCrestScore = yourCrestScore and yourLances = oppLances then
put " It is a perfect tie." into line 4 of field 1
put " Judges won't tamper" into line 5 of field 1
put " with Divine Will." into line 6 of field 1
put " You both lose!" into line 7 of field 1
show button 3
show button 1
show button 2
end if
end decisionTime